School Aged Programs: K - 12

Programs for School Aged Young People

The Boys & Girls Club of Greater Nashua offers care before and after, along with transportation to and from your child’s school.

For students grades 3-12, transportation is available to bus stops from the Club.

At the Club, members enjoy a variety of activities, including academic support, intramurals and team sports, swimming, STEAM experiences, and hands-on learning. Each day also includes hot meals and snacks.

Program Levels

Before School
K - 6th Grade

Start your child's school day with
smiling mentors and a hot breakfast!

Transportation from Club to school included.

6:30 - 8:30 AM • $50/week


ELC After School
K - 2nd Grade

Academic support, outdoor play, art programs,
STEAM experiences, and daily hot meals!

Transportation to Club from school included.

2:30 - 6:00 PM • $90/week


3rd - 5th Grade

Members can come to the Club as many,
or as few, days as they'd like!

Transportation to bus stops in Nashua included.

2:30 - 8:00 PM • $40/year


Stahl Teen Center
6th - 12th Grade

Our Teen Center is open for drop-in
and structured programming!

Transportation to bus stops in Nashua included.

2:30 - 8:00 PM • $40/year


Registration Forms

Before School K-6 & After School K-2

Clubhouse & Teen Center

Return membership packets to the front office, or by email to

Membership Fee & ELC Deposit

Annual Membership Fee

Required for all program levels.

ELC Registration Fee

Required for Before & After School and other ELC programming.

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